DAO Reputation System Challenges

Stealing this:)

cred-> @decentralion

OK, here’s a stab at some bullets (so violent…)…

Due to the richness of SourceCred’s graph, and the open, plugin structure that allows filtering and valuation by any heuristic, SourceCred can produce metrics that express nearly any community value. Instead of being limited to Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS), SourceCred can produce Source-of-X (insert community value), with surprising robustness.

  • Proof-of-contribution: we give more votes to someone who has contributed to the project.
  • Proof-of-”work”: we give more votes to someone who has worked more relative to others
  • Proof-of-committment: we give more votes to someone who is a long-term contributor
  • Proof-of-domain-expertise: we give more votes to someone who as contributed more in a particular domain
  • Proof-of-generalist: we give more votes to someone who has contributed across many domains
  • Proof-of-ideation: we give more votes to someone who has originated ideas that are later implemented
  • Proof-of-execution: we give more votes to someone who has coordinated others to execute ideas
  • Proof-of-bridge-builder: we give more votes to someone who brings people into collaboration that are normally separate
  • Proof-of-ally: we give more votes to someone who has cred in ally projects
  • Proof-of-biz-dev: we give more votes to someone who has introduced the project to a connection that led to new business
  • Proof-of-value-generation: we give more votes to someone who generates the most cred (or increases its value in other projects)
  • Proof-of-generosity: we give more votes to someone who gives away more of the cred they generate than those that hoard it (e.g. by only interacting with other higher-cred contributors)
  • Proof-of-onboarder: we give more votes to someone who has had early interactions with new contributors that stick around
  • Proof-of-defender: we give more votes to someone who has identified and killed Sibyl identities (bots, malicious actors, etc.)