Hi! Here to confirm that Open Collective is indeed interested in working with SC. Happy to help set up & work through any issues.
OpenCollective seems to operate on month-long reporting intervals.
This is accurate, but you can export your current transaction ledger (or fetch it from the API in real time) so you can decide the interval you want for the payouts. For example the Open Source Collective (Fiscal Host of most open source projects) pays expenses every week on Friday’s.
Right now, this is doable but painful since you can’t filter expenses per user. There’s an open issue to improve this, but we don’t have an ETA atm. It might be taken as a bounty in the OSCA Lagos meetup this weekend.
You will be able to do this on the collective as well soon, in the future threads will be linked to expenses or donations that can be executed once a decision is made.
Indeed. But we can work with you in improving our API if needed.
I think the Open Collective transparent ledger can help here. Also, in general, trust by default is the right place to start!