Should Discord be a "cred-free space"?

Also, here’s my proposal for how Discord cred will work:

  • By default, messages are not tracked by SourceCred
  • Any message which receives a :sourcecred: reaction will be tracked:
    • Its author will receive cred from the message
    • Any references in the message will receive cred from the message
    • The message will receive cred from the :sourcecred: reaction
    • (at least initially) we will mint cred for these reactions
    • The reacting user will flow cred to the :sourcecred: reaction

My expectation is that people will use this to give some positive reinforcement and cred to anyone who posts a particularly valuable, helpful, or insightful message to the Discord, or to people who describe valuable contributions e.g. the #didathing channel.

The amount of cred flowing from the :sourcecred: reaction will be smaller than for a Discourse :heart:, which reflects that Discourse posts are more durable and often more valuable than Discord messages.