How do we want to do Winter Break 2021?

Some updates from today’s Town Hall (notes to-be-finished), in addition to Thena’s proposal above:

Break Dates

The majority was in favor of break lasting December 15th (W) - January 17th (M). This means our last day would be a Tuesday (Dec 14th) and our first day back would also be a Tuesday (Jan 18th). Mmmm, symmetry, kinda.

Valuation & Compensation

Some people are concerned that their work will not be valued via Cred over the break. Some also feel that they haven’t been making enough money (especially with the continual Grain peg drop!). The group soft-agreed that we should use a cred & grain distribution strategy that works for most folks and then individually help out the edge-cases. If you are worried that your work won’t be valued & compensated enough over break, tell us about your needs! Here is a handy dandy Discourse post where you can write them out.

  • This shows an underlying issue that has been going on for a while. From what I understand, many devs feel that GitHub contributions are weighted too low. We will need to discuss this further and find some solutions after break.

Work to be done during break

Work to be done before break

  • Decide how much $$ we want to airdrop for the break. I’ve heard $60k and $80k.

  • Decide how we’ll resynch afterwards

    • community call, but at what time/day?
    • Weekly update that focuses on what we did over break?
    • also gotta make a post-break meeting to discuss how we’ll allocate $$ moving forward
  • Communicate our break
    • To the outside world
    • To our tithers & co-communities
      • Message each, let them know what we will & won’t be responding to
    • To inactive contributors
      • Changes in Grain & payouts over break & beyond