Hi there community-
I left our meeting today deeply curious about the necessity of a poll to determine membership for collaborating in the 8 week UBI experiment.
I found myself seeking options for transformational boundary creation, and implementing community values-aligned, collective determination of participation in this incubator of a project.
Sensing a super strong desire to not replicate the history of exclusionary use of polls within the SourceCred community, and wishing to establish a way to use our self efficacy & a clearer path for how we can opt into participating.
Within this reflection I’d like to offer a possible option for us to maybe opt out of the labor of creating and implementing a poll to determine participation in the 8 week UBI experimentation.
The interest I’m brewing on is a way to create a system by which folx can opt into participate in the 8 week incubator via:
- Sharing our general scope of skills, and state the types of projects we are each highly interested in collaborating on.
- Help the team understand if each person opting in generates ideas and produces work better alone, 1-1 or in small groups. And to share up front any other accessibility needs, wants, desires you have.
- Offering our highest days of flexibility/availability in your schedule.
With this data we can get clearer on how to distribute collaboration of the 8 weeks & projects at hand.
Some next steps could be:
- Every two weeks we reestablish clarity on the roster of folx participating in that particular two week container via another opportunity to opt in via the steps above- with the possibility of folx taking breaks, and new folx maybe opting in.
- Practicing trusting each other’s agency to state if you’re not available to work with folx due to any clear reason that makes it hard for you to show up in your fullest capacity in a particular working relationship. Could be because of scheduling, could be learning style, or possibly past relational history that creates difficulty. Our no’s will be respected and held with care.
- If there are asks/needs for any participant to feel supported approaching negotiating working group boundaries we can add that into the proposal’s care plan.
With these guidelines we would be giving ourselves permission to give a fuck yes to the work we are opting in on for this container.
Additionally, here are some considerations that could require participants to wait to opt in:
- If folx have any active/unresolved conflict in the community, those peeps need to wait until stronger containers, and restorative relational systems are created via the infrastructure that is being built within this incubation/creation time, to opt into the collaborative efforts and experimental container.
Lastly… A thought drop for the masses… Do we wanna call it UBI when it’s not universal? Maybe EBI? Emergent Basic Income? (collaborative name from @Aloysious) or maybe Emergent Needs Basic Income (real cute cause it’s ENBI ;))
Super open to feedback & suggestions, this is just a thought plant and my hope is that it can manifest in the most streamlined and mutually supportive way for the SC community.
Much love y’all!