About Champions and Heroes

Would this be related to the boosting feature, but rather than having boosting be a 1-way stream it could also be negative? Or are you thinking of a much simpler fixed deposit staking mechanism?

Still unclear on this. Does one need to explicitly proclaim that the are a “champion,” or this a subjective measure that the community awards to outstanding community members? Another way to think about that is do you have to earn the right to be a champion (like completing a marathon), or do you take the title of champion (like signing up for a marathon). In the context of staking to align incentives it makes sense that you would take on the “champion” role. In the context of champions as outstanding long-term members of the community, however, it seems like that should be something awarded by others and not declared by one’s self.

Right, but does someone elect themselves as a champion or does the community review a contributor’s performance and award them the title of “champion?”

Agreed. The UX and narrative around this is concerning. What if there was a threshold where if you contribute to more than 20% of the cred of an initiative you get a “champion boost” where your cred for that initiative is doubled or something? (could be any percentage, but I just picked 20% as it seems achievable enough to motivate engaement).

We already put in tons of work for free all over the OSS ecosystem. Enough is enough! Also, considering the early adopter risk of getting paid in “magic internet money,” I think that asking people to work for free or to spend real money to earn the right to work for “magic internet money” seems like a bit of a stretch. The UX should be such that anyone can start contributing right away and it’s a rich and rewarding experience for them.

Disagree. There’s only a handful of people here. Obviously the “glory” is not enough (although the level of interesting conversations definitely is!).

This is actually a huge problem in the crypto space and the next generation of apps that have good UX are completely crushing the apps that don’t have good UX. Good ideas aren’t enough. You have to also build something people want.

What if there was the option to stake cred to a commitment, but not the requirement? This really feels like boosting the more I think about it. You’re just booting your own initiative. If that goes well then everyone wins. If not, they you just spent a lot of cred. The boost signals the commitment, however, because you spent a rare resource to signal intent. On top of that, if there was a “threshold boost” built in to the Initiatives protocol then you would be rewarded to maintaining your position in an initiative as it evolves. Combining a regular boost (to signal intent) with a threshold boost (for actual contributions) could be huge, not just for the person “championing” the endeavor, but also the “senior” members engaging to help that champion (and thus getting the threshold boost themselves)