Boosting: a prediction market on ideas

Futarchy Boosting

If you create an Initiative for a vote, and then need to stake Grain to vote in that Initiative, then you could have a system where the “winners” of the vote have their Grain converted to a Boost (staked into the Initiative) while the losers can exit. Since SourceCred is retroactive, this creates skin in the game where the people who stake the most Grain (and thus have the most voting weight) then have to tie their Grain to the outcome of a decision. If the decision results in future endeavors that have lots of Cred then that Cred will flow back to the decision and all those who boosted it with Grain. If the decision results in negative Cred, however, then Cred will not flow back to boosters and their Grain will essentially be burnt.

This would have a few benefits:

  • People are incentivized to engage in governance because if they contribute to discussions that lead to positive outcomes Cred will then flow back to the discussion around a decision as well as those who voted on the decision.
  • People who vote have skin in the game where their Grain is tied to the outcome of the decision. This makes decision making a prediction market on what will create the most Cred in the future.

Aligned incentives! Yay :slight_smile:

+1 to @decentralion for brainstorming this idea with me today