Cred Rebalancing: A Props-Oriented "CredSpective"

+10 on the idea that we need to recognize this contributions in the graph more explicitly to better flow cred for care work / non dev work. If we increase the weights in props/didathing, we should prioritize implementing a better / more fair way of valuing those posts, like how @blueridger has described in their post.

Additionally, there’s a blindspot we have in SC since we’ve been a relatively slow growing community: the current props/didathing setup causes cred inflation and extreme variance in the “cred to contribution value” ratio as the community grows. MetaGame has grown a lot lately and there’s a lot of things that we should proactively fix / learn from, e.g:

Taking a qualitative/average instead of quantitative/sum approach to counting emoji reactions will result in higher signal / quality cred flows.

We can setup multiple different discord channels for different types of contributions (e.g. “did-a-care-work-thing” and “did-a-product-thing” and “did-a-ops-thing”) to better value certain types of work by design rather than coincidence. I’m imagining these entries could become “tagged” nodes in the creditor as well for Cred historians to link them / categorize them further.

And IMO we should try executing on this ASAP and also not hold back on the cred updates from going through.