CredSperiment Progress Report

Sweet. Glad to see the discourse plugin coming along! The scores are reflecting my general sense of what went on.

Also liking the cred distributions at first glance. They feel about right… And the smoothing on the lines looks better than before.

While I appreciate the crediting, I would ask to have my pseudonym disconnected from s_ben (and edited from the comment please). Still have the same reasons for using the pseudonym. It’s probably nothing, but I’d rather not think about it. As a side note, while not needed for the CredSperiment, I do think pseudonymous participation is important, especially in DAOs. Something to keep in mind from a design perspective.

This is basically what I’ve imagined all along as the best way to pay people generally. Now that the cred is exponentially time-weighted, and with a decay that feels about right, I think a robust measure of current cred could be simply the addition of all cred over time. If we were starting from t0, I’d say just paying based on last week’s cred makes more sense to me. The total money paid out would then always match the total sum cred. If you wanted to reward older contributions more, you could maybe just decrease the exponential decay parameter? But since we’re starting in the middle, it feels like there should maybe be an “airdrop” or something (another potential use of SourceCred)?

Here is where governance is unavoidable. Deciding what compensation feels fair is the definition of politics. Our current governance system (benevolent dictator who occasionally convenes a meeting to gather feedback) makes sense. But it’s never too soon to think about governance, as it may inform design decisions. I sense that if all users for instance had an intuitive UI that allowed them to tune parameters until the graph “felt right” (which could be an interesting “voting” mechanism), they would likely come up with something similar, but with differences that reflect their particular domain knowledge, values, political views, etc.

Which reminds me. @mzargham do you have a video of your governance talk from blockchain week?