Yeah so as you mentioned, the main strength of 1Hive and our contribution to the HCL is the DAO aspect: frameworks that help communities make decisions and manage funds. Data science and creating graphs to track complex networks is not something we’re looking to roll in house. We do however have the framework to create tokens, manage tokens, and receive, exchange, and manage funds.
As such, if the $TBD_FRAMEWORK_FOR_GRAIN_SPLITTING was an Aragon app, then all of this would be easy for communities/projects to use. They’d click a few buttons and roll out a DAO with the SourceCred mechanism built it. Then the SourceCred app could be configured within each DAO community to receive grain, allocate grain, exchange grain for ETH/DAI, and use grain for voting. All the apps to do this are already being built on Aragon. SourceCred would then be responsible for connecting the graph to ensure that grain is properly flowing where it needs to go. This way you could focus on building the SourceCred protocol, and then each community could easily deploy and configure their DAO however they wanted to. This would really just require the SourceCred protocol to be working and an Aragon app to integrate that flow into a DAO.
Of course, I’m sure there’s some mistakes/assumptions here, but overall I think that this would work. Siince the da0 recently stated that it also wants to use SourceCred and an Aragon DAO, this might make a lot of sense for SourceCred, Aragon, and organizations/communities that want to use similar mechanisms for their projects (like the dao). I’m just brainstorming here, but I think this could be really cool