Thinking up ideas for articles on SourceCred. I posted a fun thought experiment, SourceCred as Store-of-Community Value (SoCV) , but was thinking something more concrete would make a better article. Below are a couple article ideas if anyone has any thoughts. Note: the headlines and paragraphs are just rough sketches of the ideas, and not set in stone.
Revenge of the DAOs: How Meritocracy Will Destroy Big Tech
Tech is not a meritocracy. What if there was actually a way to accurately measure value, down to smaller contributions? I’ve spent the last eight months working for a cryptocurrency DAO (Decred). It’s the closest thing to a meritocracy that I’ve found. And very different from VC-backed tech startups I’ve worked at. It does a much better job at rewarding value, with much lower transaction costs. Recently, I’ve been exploring a tool (SourceCred), which could take this a giant step further. It uses Google’s famous page rank algorithm to measure value. It’s still just a prototype, but it works spookily well. Try it out for yourself (link). In this article I explore the ramifications of how such technology, combined with cryptocurrencies, pseudononymous identity, and governance, will outcompete big tech by lowering transaction costs and offering their workers something big tech can’t: control over their life.
Paying for Open Source with Bitcoin: Wasabi Wallet’s Experiment in Performance Pay
This article explores Wasabi Wallet’s ‘Contribution Game’ experiment, where 1 BTC was given away to contributors based on contributions to its GitHub. While a somewhat crude metric (+/- lines added/deleted), it was successful in attracting contributions. We compare the scores (and amounts of BTC paid based on them) to SourceCred’s scores, and try to engage the Wasabi Wallet maintainer and contributors for feedback/thoughts, as well as incorporate SourceCred contributor insights, possible tweaks to the weights.