Adding multilingual translation

With the current growth of sourcecred, we will have users all around the world coming in, some of them who may not speak English.


The idea is to create accurate translations in different languages which can help the sourcecred growth. This will increase the number of users we can reach and the number of clients using sourcecred. I wanted to get this idea out ASAP, to be able to modify the code of sourcecred to add translation in the future without taking too much time to implement.

I don’t really see any downside of adding this to the project.

Thank you so much for reading this, this is my first post and I would love to hear some feedback


Translations are a great idea both for opening us up for growth in different linguistic markets and for just generally providing accessibility to non-english speakers. I have done this sort of work and have witnessed firsthand the cognitive load this can take off of humans, and I generally value it.

However, I don’t think incentivizing translation work ASAP is a good use of our resources for the following reasons:

-inviting more engagement from other language-speakers is likely to leave us in a swampy position with regards to answering questions in those languages.

-It will also be difficult to fully integrate monolingual non-English speakers into our present community (I can imagine needing to spin up different language versions of our Community Call. This sounds great, but also not something that should be an ASAP priority)

-the Creditor seems like a potentially substantial change that may require large reworkings of our Docs. Doing a lot of translation work before that, esp. in light of my previous points, doesn’t seem to make much sense.

OTOH - I think translations, and the Community Cultivation opportunities attendant with them are a key thing to think about as we move out of beta and into intentional growth.


I may have been misleading my idea about the fact to incentivize the translation work ASAP. I wanted to share this idea early on, so it may be easier to change the code of sourcecred by referring to a dictionary instead of using a hardcoded value for the text.

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I agree with both the idea of being proactively conscious of and oriented towards a multilingual future for SourceCred, and @panchomiguel’s concerns about resources. However, my understanding of @Felix’s suggestion wasn’t for us to translate the docs, but to use no hardcoded strings in the codebase. In other words, instead of doing something like this:

<button>Change weight configuration</button>

…the devs would implement it more like this:


Wherein $label is a dictionary that gets populated in the language selected by the user, if available, and falls back to English (en) if not.

Then the entire interface would be contained in e.g. a JSON file like this:


  'change_weight_configuration': "Change Weight Configuration",
  'hide_weight_configuration': "Hide Weight Configuration",
  'grain_accounts': "${Grain} Accounts",
  'transfer_grain': "Transfer ${Grain}",

Since the term Grain is a variable that any SourceCred instance can customize, we would use a variable in the string. In the actual code under the surface, the label key would still be $label['grain_accounts'] etc.

I want to thank @Felix for this, because creating the Creditor in this way from the ground up will be that much better than retrofitting it after the fact, and it involves minimal extra effort to develop it this way. Additionally, it allows for non-devs (like design & content writers) to more easily adjust the UI labels themselves and explore better texts without having to involve devs in the process.


Yes yes and yes! This is exactly what I was referring to, I’m still having a hard time explaining my ideas with words. Thanks for making it more clear for others to understand!

Hmm; is it really so clear? I’ve developed localizable applications, localized apps myself (translating English into Spanish), and worked on adding translation systems to a large existing product. My experience is that (a) it is notable effort to develop this way and (b) it is easy to add later, and easier to add when you are actually ready for it than just speculatively. Let me describe.

(This is just from the technical side, in addition to what @panchomiguel has already written.)


Your examples hint at one problem that makes this not trivial:

  "grain_accounts": "${Grain} Accounts",

Here, you’ve included a placeholder in the string. That means that our UI code has to perform interpolation. Previously, we would write:

<span>{currencyName} Accounts</span>

…but now we must write:

<span>{uiStrings["grain_accounts"].replace("${Grain}", currencyName)}</span>

Of course, you don’t do the interpolation manually every time. You have a framework to do it (pofiles, etc.)… so now we need to set that up, and everyone has to learn to use it.

This goes beyond simple substitutions. Our code now needs to be generic over different languages’ grammatical structures. In English, we often write:

<span>{userCount} {userCount === 1 ? "user" : "users"}</span>

But other languages have different singular/plural forms, so this doesn’t suffice anymore. Likewise for dates, currencies, decimal places.

Readability, navigability

Translated strings also make it harder to read and navigate the code. When looking at the code, you can’t directly visualize the UI. And when looking at the UI, you can’t directly find what part of the code that maps to. You can usually do it through one or two layers of indirection, which is fine if you’re only looking up one thing. But when you’re trying to get your bearings in a GUI module that is littered with Messages.getStrings or whatever, it’s notably harder to get an idea of what’s going on. Some approaches use gettext directives around natural language, like _("My account balance"), but this makes updates harder…


Once you have a translated app, changing it becomes a whole process. If you change the structure of the strings that need to be localized, then you lose existing translations. Without mitigation, this results in localized UIs that are always half in the target language and half in English, as translations keep regressing. Users often report this as more frustrating than if the UI were just in English, since they have to keep context-switching and they can’t just learn the interface. There are different ways to handle this, but they usually involve some form of (a) minimum time delay before new code makes it into production and (b) an expected turnaround time for translators to submit updated strings.


The thing is, when we decide that the time is right and we do want to invest in this infrastructure, retrofitting it onto existing strings is pretty straightforward. There are linter plugins to help catch untranslated strings in UIs. You can define mechanically generated locales with extra-long text to suss out fixed-width UI elements, or with extra-tall diacritic stacks to suss out bad Unicode or font handling. You can actually try out uncommon substitution patterns on real data.

What we can do now

All that said, I do agree that keeping localization in mind from the beginning is helpful, and there are things that we can do now. Use Unicode and UTF-8 extensively. Distinguish byte strings and text strings correctly. Avoid baking critical text into images (should be trying to do this anyway for accessibility). Don’t assume that people have “first names” or “last names”. Don’t rely on strings fitting into really small areas (like, a 20px wide button labeled “Go!”). These are good practices now, and they’ll also pay off later.

tl;dr: Localization is important; localization reduces development velocity; it doesn’t make sense to pay the real costs of localization before reaping its benefits. Ship a half-baked product to English speakers and then a polished product to everyone.


I was going to address your initial concerns with a point along the lines of “some of this yes, other parts we don’t have to do right away” but then you mentioned this:

Fair enough. When I built these systems myself (in a comprehensive content management system a la Wordpress, and at the Apple Online Store for 6,000+ instances and UTF-16 requiring languages), no such tools existed yet and doing it up front was significantly less effort than retrofitting. Since I don’t know the SourceCred UI codebase anywhere near as well as you do, I will of course defer :slight_smile:

Thanks for the detailed report @wchargin!

Data point: I recently learned that the game Slay the Spire will not have any more content updates because of cost-of-localization issues. They can change numeric values, but there are functional changes that they would like to make, but can’t. Conversation with a co-lead dev:

Discord conversation with SneakySly (Anthony) #5972, a core developerof Slay the Spire, on 2020-11-10. SneakySly: “We are limited to valuechanges / Because at this point localization is very arduous / Being ondifferent consoles and things”. Another user: “Ooh gotcha, so stuff likechanging effects is no go?”. SneakySly: “Correct / … / Otherwise Clashand Setup would have been changed”.

(Source: public messages in their Discord server. Later on, SneakySly says that there would be “total reworks” but they have “no specific designs because of the [localization] limitation”.)

In other messages, the other co-lead dev says that “it’s true” that some languages’ volunteer maintainers just disappear, and they have to nix support for the language. Changes incur “headaches with our currently very slow porting process”. At this point, “10+ languages” are missing translator teams, and “Thai and [Polish] are over a year behind”.

Now, Slay the Spire is available in 17 languages, so clearly parts of their translation process have worked well. But these kinds of costs are consistent with my experience, so I wanted to offer this example of how the effects can block development in the real world.

We should partner with / hire Guerrilla Translation when the time comes.

They are the same folks who developed the DisCO framework, which I would love SourceCred to develop a relationship with.


While not trying to argue with this, there is a huge difference between SourceCred, which has minimal UI and text, and a game like Slay The Spire which has enormous volumes of text—all of which requiring very high precision in what they communicate and verification of accuracy. Misrepresenting what a game card does in another language is a breaking failure in STS; a UI label difference of “transfer grain” vs. a literal translation saying “move grain” is not.

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Well howdy!

I can’t attest to the codebase, because I’m not looking at it (primarily the comments within) at the moment but I can say it wouldnt be a trouble or a time suck to translate the development environment setup guide in Spanish (for starters) . . .


  • Do we know have a community member fluent in the language? Someone who could look over a draft document to see if it is being translated adequately?

To implement :

  1. create a new drop-down within the beta docs for translations

  2. (ninja emoj) AL0YSI0US performs Google-fu

  3. Have someone review a mockup translation

Spanish draft

Configuración de un entorno de desarrollo de Source Cred

Construyendo SourceCred localmente

Primero, ejecute los siguientes comandos para clonar y construir SourceCred:

git clone
cd sourcecred
yarn build

Configuración y uso de la instancia de SourceCred

A continuación, ejecute los siguientes comandos para clonar la instancia de SourceCred:

git clone
cd template-instance

Usando esta instancia como punto de partida, puede actualizar la configuración para incluir los complementos que desee, apuntando a los datos que le interesan. Recomendamos configurar su instancia localmente primero y asegúrese de que esté funcionando antes de enviar sus cambios main y usar la acción de Github.

  1. Get Obtenga Yarn y luego ejecute yarn para instalar SourceCred y las dependencias.

  2. Habilite los complementos que desea usar actualizando el archivo sourcecred.json. p.ej. para habilitar todos los complementos:

  "bundledPlugins": ["sourcecred/discourse", "sourcecred/discord", "sourcecred/github"]
  1. Si está utilizando el complemento de GitHub o Discord, copie el archivo .env.example a un archivo .env:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Siga los pasos del plugin guides below para configurar los archivos de configuración y generar tokens de acceso para cada complemento y luego pégalos en el archivo .env después del signo=.

Usando un backend modificado

Es probable que desee probar su versión modificada de SourceCred en una instancia con la que esté familiarizado.

Una forma conveniente de hacerlo es crear un alias para su versión alterada de SourceCred.

Aquí hay un ejemplo de cómo hacerlo en un shell bash:

# Mientras está en el repositorio del directorio SourceCred  
alias scdev='node "$SC_REPOSITORY_DIR"/bin/sourcecred.js'

# Luego regrese al directorio de Instancia de plantilla, por ejemplo:
# Ejecute el comando `sourcecred go`, en su instancia, usando su código modificado.
scdev go
  1. Inicializar las configuraciones a. cambio Ser distinta de-cero b. cambio ser - estar [“sourcecred/discourse”]

  2. desde su clon de instancia de plantilla local, ejecute scdev go

  3. ejecute scdev serve ir a la URL que genera.

Complementos compatibles


El complemento de GitHub carga repositorios de GitHubs.

Puede especificar los repositorios para cargar config/plugins/sourcecred/github/config.json.

La acción de Github tiene automáticamente su propio GITHUB_TOKEN, pero si necesita cargar datos desde el Complemento de GitHub localmente, debe tener una clave API de GitHub en su archivo .env como SOURCECRED_GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> (copie el archivo .env.example como referencia). La clave debe ser de solo lectura sin ningún especial ámbitos o permisos (a menos que esté cargando un repositorio privado de GitHub, en cuyo caso la clave necesita acceso a sus repositorios privados).

Puede generar una clave de API de GitHub aquí.


El complemento Discourse carga foros de Discourse; actualmente, solo se puede cargar un foro en una sola instancia. Esto no requiere ninguna API especial. claves o permisos. Solo necesita configurar la URL del servidor en config/plugins/sourcecred/discourse/config.json.


El complemento Discord carga los servidores de Discord y crea las reacciones de Cred en Discord. Para que SourceCred acceder a su servidor de Discord, necesita generar un “bot token” y pegarlo en el archivo .env como SOURCECRED_DISCORD_TOKEN=<token> (copie el archivo .env.example como referencia). También necesitarás agregarlo a tus secretos de acción de GitHub.

Las instrucciones completas para configurar el complemento Discord se pueden encontrar en la página del complemento Discord en la documentación de SourceCred.

Eliminar complementos

Para desactivar un complemento, simplemente elimínelo de la matriz bundledPlugins en el archivo sourcecred.json. También puede eliminar su directorio config/plugins/OWNER/NAME por si acaso.

# إنشاء بيئة تنمية ذات اعتماد مصدر

مصدر البناءالأحمر محليا

** أولاً ، قم بتشغيل الأوامر التالية لاستنساخ وبناء SourceCred: **

“” ش استنساخ بوابة GitHub - sourcecred/sourcecred: a social algorithm for computing cred مصدر القرص المضغوط غزل بناء الغزل “”

إعداد مثيل SourceCred والاستخدام

** بعد ذلك ، قم بتشغيل الأوامر التالية لاستنساخ SourceCred Instance: **

“” ش استنساخ بوابة GitHub - sourcecred/template-instance: A template repo for running a SourceCred instance مثيل قالب القرص المضغوط “”

باستخدام هذا المثال كنقطة بداية ، يمكنك تحديث التكوين لتضمينه المكونات الإضافية التي تريدها ، مع الإشارة إلى البيانات التي تهمك. نوصي بإعداد المثيل محليًا أولاً وتأكد من عمله قبل دفع التغييرات لتوجيه واستخدام Github Action.

  1. احصل على Yarn ثم قم بتشغيل “yarn” لتثبيت SourceCred والتبعيات.

  2. قم بتمكين الملحقات التي تريد استخدامها عن طريق تحديث ملف sourcecred.json. على سبيل المثال لتمكين جميع المكونات الإضافية: “” json { “bundlePlugins”: [“sourcecred/discourse”, “sourcecred/discord”, “sourcecred/github”] } “”

  3. إذا كنت تستخدم GitHub أو Discord plugin ، فانسخ ملف .env.example إلى ملف env: شيل النصي cp .env.example .env “”

  4. اتبع الخطوات في [أدلة المكونات الإضافية أدناه] (# supported-plugins) لإعداد ملفات التكوين وإنشاء رموز الوصول لكل مكون إضافي ثم الصقها في ملف .env بعد علامة=.

** باستخدام خلفية معدلة **

من المحتمل أن ترغب في اختبار نسختك المعدلة من SourceCred في مثيل مألوف لك.

هناك طريقة ملائمة للقيام بذلك وهي إنشاء اسم مستعار لإصدارك المعدل من SourceCred.

فيما يلي مثال على كيفية القيام بذلك في bash shell:

“” ش

أثناء وجودك في موقع إعادة إصدار دليل SourceCred

SC_REPOSITORY_DIR = pwd الاسم المستعار scdev = ‘العقدة “$ SC_REPOSITORY_DIR” /bin/sourcecred.js’

ثم ارجع إلى دليل مثيل النموذج ، على سبيل المثال:

مؤتمر نزع السلاح MY_SC_INSTANCE $ دولار

قم بتشغيل الأمر sourcecred go ، في المثال الخاص بك ، باستخدام التعليمات البرمجية المعدلة.

scdev الذهاب “” 5. تهيئة التكوينات

أ. غيّر ليصبح غير صفري

ب. غيّر ليصبح [“sourcecred/discourse”]

  1. من استنساخ مثيل القالب المحلي ، قم بتشغيل scdev go
  2. قم بتشغيل scdev serve ، انتقل إلى عنوان url الذي يخرجه.

المكونات الإضافية المدعومة

** جيثب **

يقوم المكون الإضافي GitHub بتحميل مستودعات GitHub.

يمكنك تحديد المستودعات المراد تحميلها config/plugins/sourcecred/github/config.json.

يحتوي Github Action تلقائيًا على GITHUB_TOKEN الخاص به ، ولكن إذا كنت بحاجة إلى تحميل البيانات من ملف المكون الإضافي GitHub محليًا ، يجب أن يكون لديك مفتاح واجهة برمجة تطبيقات GitHub في ملف .env كملف SOURCECRED_GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> (انسخ ملف env.example كمرجع). يجب أن يكون المفتاح للقراءة فقط بدون أي خاص النطاقات أو الأذونات (إلا إذا كنت تقوم بتحميل مستودع GitHub خاص ، في هذه الحالة يحتاج المفتاح إلى الوصول إلى مستودعاتك الخاصة).

يمكنك إنشاء مفتاح GitHub API [هنا] (Sign in to GitHub · GitHub).


يقوم البرنامج المساعد Discourse بتحميل منتديات Discourse؛ حاليًا ، يمكن تحميل منتدى واحد فقط في أي حالة واحدة. هذا لا يتطلب أي API خاص مفاتيح أو أذونات. تحتاج فقط إلى تعيين عنوان URL للخادم في config/plugins/sourcecred/discourse/config.json.


يقوم المكون الإضافي Discord بتحميل خوادم Discord ، ويضع Cred على ردود فعل Discord. من أجل SourceCred لـ الوصول إلى خادم Discord الخاص بك ، فأنت بحاجة إلى إنشاء “bot token” ولصقه في ملف env كـ SOURCECRED_DISCORD_TOKEN = <token> (انسخ ملف env.example كمرجع). ستحتاج أيضًا إلى إضافته لأسرار GitHub Action الخاصة بك.

يمكن العثور على التعليمات الكاملة لإعداد المكوّن الإضافي Discord في [صفحة المكوّن الإضافي Discord] (Discord | SourceCred) في وثائق SourceCred.

إزالة المكونات الإضافية

إزالة الإضافات

لإلغاء تنشيط مكون إضافي ، ما عليك سوى إزالته من مصفوفة “bundPlugins” في ملف sourcecred.json. يمكنك أيضًا إزالة دليل config/plugins/OWNER/NAME الخاص به للحصول على مقياس جيد.

Hey @hz this thing real? (Arabic)
  1. Publish :upside_down_face: ?

This isn’t a task too big should it be approached with the mentality of whittling. I would be happy to take a stab at it. I’ve translated documents before but it’s not a task I enjoy without it being reviewed prior to publishing. Poor quality docs are even less helpful in my opinion.

Appreciating your thoughtfulness and consideration of `accessibility for the sake of others.