The core value prop of SourceCred is that it recognizes and rewards contributions. That involves creating a contribution graph that gives contributors reputation that can then be correlated to rewards and potentially governance. Traditionally problems like funding, governance, and reputation are separated and that’s part of the reason why they’re so hard to solve: they’re not actually completely separate things. They all connect to each other. SourceCred acknowledges the interdependence of things and connects them in a way that is incentive aligned for positive sum value creation.
While we’re still in the CredSperiment, however, it’s important that TBD (Temporary Benevolent Dictator) helps to direct and organize things.
If we choose to deploy a bonding curve to handle our token sales there will be no negotiations, only discussions and presentations to share the value prop of the protocol
So cool! I had no idea this was a thing. Created an Initiative for this as part of the Retroactive Cred Activation.