Contextualization & unified thinking - Gravitron Training

Contextualization & unified thinking

:balance_scale: Gravitron Training with The Token Engineering Commons :balance_scale:

21 September 2021


:dart: HOMEWORK:

Content to ponder from pre-learning:

(Integral Dynamics, A new integration of Wilber’s Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics)

Based on this ontological scheme Wilber presents a multiple view of the value states, which lays a foundation for dynamic analysis. The integral approach of Wilber is in fact a universal outlook on values. This is an overview of the value systems from the following viewpoints, corresponding with the respective quadrants:

a. Values seen from an overall level of awareness, the way values make sense and relate to the world (the Intentional values);

b. Values seen from a collection of emotions, cognitive processing and all manifested actions (the Behavioural values);

c. Values seen from the viewpoint of policies and social norms (the Social values);

d. Values seen from a pattern of basic underlying assumptions (the Cultural values).

This scheme is the basis of the AQAL system. Both the right-upper (objective) and right-lower (inter-objective) quadrants contain observable, empirical, external aspects of holons. The left upper (subjective) and the left-lower (inter-subjective) quadrants deal with internal interpretations.

Besides the four quadrants Wilber appoints levels of development (or relationships with the environment) as an important part of his Integral Theory. Within each quadrant there are levels of development. Within the inside quadrants there are levels of depth and in the outside quadrants there are levels of complexity. The levels are in fact ‘probability waves’ that reflect the dynamic nature of reality and the different ways in which the reality shows up under certain conditions.

A characteristic element in addressing Wilber is the notion that in a social system only progress can be made, as a certain level has been fully understood from the four perspectives. Figure 2 is basically a universal application. The levels in a particular quadrant are correlated with the levels in other quadrants. At each level or stage of development we find that:

  • A higher order emerges in consciousness;
  • The self identifies its being with that higher holarchy;
  • The next higher order structure eventually emerges;
  • The self misidentifies with the lower level and shifts its essential identity to the higher structure.

This pattern of ‘transcend and include’ is a fundamental part of how cultures, people and systems evolve. Therefore the levels can be displayed graphically as concentric circles, as shown in figure 3. The levels are development steps. We can see these levels as ‘growing up’. All Lines of development Lines are related to the multiple lines of development that all holons have, such as cognition, ethical, aesthetic, spiritual, kinetic, emotional, musical, spatial, logical-mathematical, etc.


Screen captures from the lecture:

Upcoming Class:

28 september - Session 2: Facilitator - Juan Carlos Bell - Conflict transformation, integrating shadows as a motor of change and evolution within dialogue.





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