Could we run SourceCred on wikipedia?

Was reading through the Wikipedia Page Rank wiki and couldn’t help but notice how nicely linked it was. There’s links everywhere! Compared to our Discourse (which is slowly improving!) Wikipedia’s citation game is strong. Would be really curious to see what a Cred graph for Wikipedia would look like.

As far as I know this is non-trivial, but also really cool to think about. Starting this thread to explore what that might look like and/or how difficult running SourceCred on regular websites might be.

Would you want to assign cred scores directly to editors, or just on the level of the pages themselves?

At first just the pages themselves to better understand how ideas and things are connected in our world (someone’s probably already done this haven’t they? lol)

Overall, however, it just seems like the system of Wikipedia (authors, pages, links) seems so perfect to run SourceCred on. It’s just so well documented and referenced! Curious if it would work and/or what it would look like. What if someone wanted to donate 100k to Wikipedia, but they did so by running SourceCred on the pages and then giving all the contributors payouts based on their work?

I’m sure we could :] it would need it’s own plugin.

A big part of that is a way to get a local copy of the data without blowing up your disk and network usage. Another is to add semantics, wiki pages, talk pages, users, edit history. Finally a bunch of reference detection logic. Which could leverage Unified reference detection