Cred/Grain Dynamics

How’s the CredSperiment going so far you might ask?

Week1 and Week2 have not been unsuccessful. Unlike most scientific experiments, both the data (SourceCred community contributions) and the model (the SourceCred algorithm) are shifting here. People are not upset about this. In fact, contributions and conversations seem to be picking up steam. SourceCred is one of the first games that you can both play and design at the same time. Exciting times!

In the near future community contributors will be able to use their Cred to vote on the SourceCred roadmap. This makes sense as contributors to the community would know what’s important and what they want to contribute to.

In addition, “Initiatives” have been created. Initiatives are things that the SourceCred community wants to do. Soon people will be able to use their Grain to “boost” initiatives and drive more Cred to that topic. Think of it as a +1 mushroom that boosts all activity around that initiative. (@decentralion is that more or less accurate or do you have a better explanation?). The Initiatives Plugin is under active development (at the time of writing). If you want to help make it happen and earn some Cred jump in!

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