CredSperiment Week 3 Distribution

Yeah, this would be quite valuable. I think we should prioritize Cred Analysis Notebooks and then we can start to experiment with notebooks that reveal this decomposition. Then we can canonicalize them in the production UI.

Cool. As we transition to larger payouts, I intend to start using OpenCollective only for small payouts, and have the material ones get paid directly from sponsor to contributor. Using OpenCollective + PayPal involves a lot of transaction processing overhead, unfortunately (something like 10-15% of total).

Yeah, there’s definitely some bug that is causing s-ben and s_ben not to get reconciled. I suspect that I did a bad job with the regex and it isn’t accepting - or something like that.

After fixing that bug, we will need to update the payout logic to be able to merge identities together (so that we’ll calculate Seth’s combined lifetime grain payout properly). It’s a little tricky because while combining identities is easy, but un-combining identities is not (could wind up with an identity with negative balance if done naively). So this will take a bit of thought to get right.

Why $112.14 and not $144.35? Feel free to withdraw the $5.05 or let it ride, you’ll get it eventually either way. :slight_smile: