Premise: Weights of specific emojis are decided based on channel in discord.
If a discord channel has an emoji in the channel name, that emoji is worth as much as the sourcecred emoji (or just larger weight) only in that given channel.
Who, What, Where, How, Why:
From a Crediquette perspective, this is really easy to explain and sell to users. It’s literally in the name and people would most likely infer when to use the emoji. One sentence explanation could say, “If a channel has an emoji in its name, that emoji is weighted higher in that channel” (WIP).
From a Community perspective, I feel like this makes sense. It’s difficult to choose which emojis to weight more (even the simple ones like ,
etc) mainly because its impossible to narrow down/explain use cases. This would both narrow down and explain the use cases in one fowl swoop, while adding minimum stress to community organizers who have to decide on weights.
From a Technical perspective, we are just recursively applying the “one emoji to rule them all” practice to channels instead of the whole discord. This also takes some weight off the one emoji from being a sort of catch-all.
Problems I see include:
This might cause some hot/cold channels, where posting in a certain channel is more likely to give you Cred than another channel. I.e a shill channel probably won’t generate cred as much as an art channel.
Using two emojis in the title??
Rebalancing the Cred graph based on this rule might do some weird things
I got this idea from @decentralion lion wanting to have specific rules in #didathing channels. If this is possible in the future, then I would imagine this is too. Anyway this is definitely a v2 feature, but I thought its a fun idea to let simmer on the grill.
DISCLAIMER: I am not familiar enough with the discord plugin to know how difficult this would be.