As SourceCred grows, many branches have been feeling organizational strain, and [a call for Ops support]( was heard. EcoSystems reached out to talk about support organizing and tracking core initiatives and coordinating with Instance Managers as the foundation of a robust "Customer Success" program prerequisite for scaling.
- Project Manager and Branch Lead met 1:1 to discuss ops support needs and existing workflows, and reconvened 1:1 to design the meeting agenda and write the invitation to participate.
- Branch Lead scheduled an Ecosystem Ops Jam to bring Instance Managers together and invite the wider community of Contributors to share their requests & priorities for upcoming Ecosystems work.
- Instance Managers had the opportunity to describe their workflow and pain points
- Space was made for IMs & Community to share requests, priorities, and “wishlist” projects relevant to Ecosystems
- Time was spent “combing the backlog” and identifying dependencies, owners, and priority for projects and tasks.
- Lead & PM followed up in separate meetings with additional Instance Managers.
- We tentatively agreed to a monthly rhythm for ongoing Ecosystem check-ins, to support both status updates and community building.
- We produced a baseline Ecosystems Roadmap document to start tracking projects and tasks across instances & Ecosystems work to support future scaling.
- Cross-instance priorities that surfaced clustered around Identity Management and Onboarding Materials.
- We observed that the top pain points for Instance Managers were also dev priorities at SourceCred, and that coordination of efforts could provide additional dev resources from the Ecosystem Instances.
- The visibility of issues common to multiple instances inspired us to set a recurring gathering to bring Instance Managers together in support of ongoing community building and feedback.
Technical support for Tithe Admin improvements - Thanks @sandpiper!
- Design support for an Ecosystem Map
- Visibility into ID development to facilitate resource coordination
- Docs/Cultivation support to create Instance-focused Onboarding materials
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