Hello, I am Faruk. Love First Person, Nice to meet you!

Hello everyone,

My name is Faruk Ateş, and I want to do for love what SourceCred is doing for value: unblock its chakras across society, and let its energy flow strong.

There is so much I want to share and contribute to this project. So far I’ve contributed—or am working towards contributing—product design, UX, development, writing and project management. You may have already seen me make appearances in Discord and Github, but I want to go deeper. Much, much deeper.

What I Want To Contribute to SourceCred is my life.

Okay, this sounds weird, so hear me out: I Want To Create an ontological system for people to Live In (A) Harmony. This harmony would encourage and support people to find their authentic self, and discover what they most want to contribute to the world. It would facilitate them making those contributions, making meaningful connections with one another, and live in a state of peaceful co-existence.

That is my life’s work. It’s what I am called to contribute to this world of ours, what makes me come alive and stirs my soul—more than anything I’ve known. For this and other reasons I am dedicating my life to it, and have for well over two years now. This Is Love First, and it goes even far beyond that dream. Love First is also a story, a game, and… a puzzle.

And I believe SourceCred is a corner piece of that puzzle.

I love puzzles, because they’re quintessentially challenges you take on with consent. The human race loves challenges, but… we love consent even more, and consent is fundamental to the design principles of SourceCred.

Consent is not transactional. Consent goes beyond being an ongoing conversation. Consent is the ongoing practice of being fair, of being on the same page together; of being in harmony. Consent means to feel together—in spirit, in mutual care and support, in joyful exploration of the new and exciting.

SourceCred embodies that element of fairness, of being on the same page. SourceCred reimagines the meaning of value, measuring and rewarding contributions not by a scarcity model that—ultimately—is decreed by Wall Street, but by the significance each contribution has for the community. This model incentivizes harmonious discord, constructive engagement, and people’s innate and deeply-rooted desire to make a difference. Conversely, it disincentivizes the attention-based economy wherein the most controversial, upsetting, or loudest voices get the bulk of our collective focus.

But the reimagining of economic models alone will not (and cannot) suffice to bridge the ideological gaps. My hope is that Love First, which takes its values and approaches from the elemental properties of universal love itself, can provide the blueprints for culturally and strategically bridging the gaps that economics alone cannot.

If it’s alright with you, I would love to bring that work to SourceCred as an ongoing offer to the community. I say “offer” because Love First operates on a consent-first basis. Nothing has to be adopted or used (obviously, but worth stating explicitly). Everything Is Opt-In.

All is welcome to be adopted, or ignored if it’s not the right fit. But this is the work I’m devoting my life to, and I would love to contribute that to SourceCred as well.

Hi, I’m Faruk, and I’m a Love First Person.


:package: The following branches can be grown next:
:arrow_down::arrow_right: I Want To (Create | Contribute)
:arrow_down::arrow_right: Live Life In (A) Harmony
:arrow_down::arrow_right: Everything Is
:arrow_down::arrow_right: This Is
:record_button: Love First


Faruk, I love your passion! I’m really intrigued by your perspective on consent. I’ve never considered it to be a thing that automatically brings harmony, but I do see how in ideal situations it can be that way. I’ve generally viewed it as a thing that brings clarity and self-power, but I do believe that in interactions that are full of love, it can bring harmony, even if it doesn’t always bring happiness or pleasure.

interesting… do you have an operationalizing definition? if not, please consider this: “love is the type of attention that empowers” (“empowerment” being defined by the beloved, i.e. if the loved one says they feel empowered / likes what the love brought, then it is love)

love is an attention in this definition, so i hope that doesn’t rub your “attention economy” the wrong way; i’m open to modifications!

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I like your ideology here.

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