Our next office hours will be Thursday, 5/2 at 18:00 GMT / 11:00 PT / 2:00 ET.
You can copy a Google Calendar event from the SourceCred calendar. The meeting itself will take place on Zoom at https://protocol.zoom.us/my/dandelion.
Please post any items for the agenda here! Also, please help me remember to ping the Discord server 10 mins before the office hours start. 
Some items for the agenda:
- Created a ‘SourceCred team’ on Figma so that we have a shared account for the SourceCred community; @Brutalfluffy could we migrate the existing figma work into this account?
- Planning to host a “design jam” so we can build a shared brand/design foundation for SC. We can all share our answers to questions like: “what ideas/metaphors/feelings do we want SC to communicate?”.
- An update on progress towards incorporating the Odyssey MVP. (slow but steady; could use code reviews)