Positive Cred Velocity

This was mainly what I was pointing to. I think there’s just a general bias towards zero-sum thinking and loss aversion. Onboarding new users will need to require educating them as to what SourceCred is, but also how to play the SourceCred game.

Also agree that this is one of the most interesting challenges and opportunities for SourceCred :slight_smile:

Agreed! Data is empowering. Also, as discussed in reputation vs anonymity, for the game to work the system has to be transparent. Then players need to be able to engage to change the game to better reflect their values. Being able to easily visualize SourceCred would really help with this :slight_smile:

Might be true! I mostly (only) hangout here so I wouldn’t know lol

TBH I’m not qualified to weigh in on this. Still don’t understand all the mechanics and how everything fits together. Seems like a PR, esp for many of the Initiatives in progress, would be as useful as a post so that makes sense. Can’t weigh in beyond that, however, as I don’t know what the exact numbers should be.

This is most unfortunate and I’m glad we’re working to fix this :slight_smile:

I don’t know if we have a hoarding problem or not. Felt like there was a possibility, however, so created this thread. Then started thinking that we should incentivize sharing Cred to make the community feel more welcoming, engaging, and rewarding.

Thanks for clarifying that :slight_smile:

I too would really like that!

Do we currently have a governance system beyond TBD?

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