Trails, the Memex, and SourceCred

I’m planning to write a roadmap that details a bunch of potential priorities, and then use cred-weighted voting to set the priorities. Comment on the plan here.

It’s engineering (and product+project management).

@protocol labs is willing to provide a bunch more financing to SourceCred. Internally we discussed just hiring more people to work on it, but I’d rather try to grow SourceCred via dogfooding through SourceCred itself, rather than having a separate company hire people. I don’t want any one company (even one as value-aligned and friendly as PL) to have undue control over the project, and it’s hard to avoid that control if a company is paying salaries for all the core contributors.

I’m hoping that the CredSperiment will provide a way to translate more financial resources into more engineering bandwidth without going through hiring. It’s definitely an experiment though; we’ll have to wait and see how well it works. :slight_smile:

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