Defining the SourceCred Mission Statement

On 6/9/20 we had our first “Mission Statement Jam” where we invited the community to help us think about our mission statement. We want your thoughts before our next Jam!

I encourage all those who have thoughts about the vision and mission statement of SourceCred (whether you were at the first jam or not) to share your opinions, thoughts, and memes in the comments of this topic.

In our meeting we discussed three major points:

  • What is the problem SourceCred is trying to solve in our world?
  • What is our ultimate goal/vision for SourceCred in the world? (Aimed at the leading edge audience and crypto audience for now)
  • What does a world using the finished version of SourceCred look like?

You can explore our ideas and discussion around these topics by reading our notes from the meeting. There is also an audio recording which can be requested (we don’t have a good generally accessible place for those yet).

Please share your thoughts in preparation for our next synchronous meeting about Mission Statements!



  • Online environments for which a community is perfoming work in some way (decentralized or not) don’t have a built-in mechanism that makes accountable any contributions in relative proportion to the value created. It’s often externalized, with a human intervention, on the sole discretion of people who are running the environment and with no trackrecord (memory from the past contributions). It often concerns less than 10% (my guess) of the contributions.

  • Sourcecred vision is to make accountable your contributions in proportion to the value created regardless:

    1. your location
    2. the time that has gone by
    3. an individual’s opinion since the community is ultimately the oracle for what is valuable
  • SourcreCred will make the world a better place because of this :

    • dedicate your time in an opt-in environment at any point
    • the contributions you’ve made that have created value are accountable, time independent, borderless
    • has no friction to assess and claim your rewards
    • open communities are productive because of the economic built-in mechanisms to coordinate…and outcompete the current system

Well said. The phrase “permisionless employment” comes to mind, but I don’t think that gets to the heart of what your saying. It’s more about a revolution in the ability to identify/reward/extract value. It’s like a sc org is a vacuum for value and in their if there is anything valuable about something you do then the scorg will find it and reward you. That is crazy, and the ability to do it retroactively is key. Traditional management will not be able to compete (eventually… much remains to ensure this).


This was from another post in documentation as an example:

“sourceCRED allows communities of on-line users/people to self-organize rewards for contributions to the community based on community defined values and goals.”


“sourceCRED is software and a community”