(UPDATE 01/31/22): I have included the finalized version of the airdrop in this post, marked “Finalized version (1-31-22).”
(UPDATE 01/30/22): Please read my comment below this post for updated information about the exact payouts and which simulation we’ll use to finally calculate & distribute the airdrop!
We’re back from Winter Break, but we haven’t yet finalized a medium-term funding proposal. (I intend to get my explainer & feedback-gathering post for @blueridger 's two-instance proposal posted Monday, January 31st.) In the meantime, people need money. So! I propose we do an airdrop.
Thank you to @magwalk for initially suggesting an airdrop and encouraging us to take that route; @blueridger for building the foundation of airdrop proposals upon which I’m riffing; @zevi for making this a little more understandable; and thank you to everyone who has shared that they need funds.
January 2022 Emergency Airdrop Proposal (UPDATED 1-31)
Finalized version (1-31-22)
I propose a one-time airdrop distributing a total of $20,000 USDC split according to Cred score to all contributors who opted in by 1-31-22 @ 5PM PST, and whose calculated airdrop total is above $50. If you did not opt in, you will not receive money from this airdrop. Contributors who don’t need to be paid via this airdrop are invited to not opt in via the bot at this time. This will free up funds to go to other contributors in need.
The airdrop would occur on February 1st, 2022 and would distribute $20k of the $200k of bridge funding from PL. This airdrop would not initially be accounted for on the SourceCred instance ledger, but likely will be added retroactively later. This airdrop would calculate exact payouts via @blueridger’s wonderful simulator, which took a snapshot of everyone’s cred on Sunday, January 31th at 7PM PST.
The simulator would calculate exact USDC payouts with amountOfUsdcToDistribute = 20000, ignoreAccountsBelow = 50, and with the IMMEDIATE policy. The simulator would either use a 2-week or 4-week lookback, depending on the results of the vote on Discord.
policyType: "IMMEDIATE",
budget: G.fromInteger(amountOfUsdcToDistribute),
numIntervalsLookback: <<EITHER 2 or 4>>
Original Version
I propose a one-time airdrop distributing a total of $20,000 USDC split according to Cred score to all contributors who opt in via the instructions below, and whose calculated airdrop total is above $50. If you do not opt in, you will not receive money from this airdrop.
We are trying to finalize the aforementioned two-instance CredEquate proposal within 2 weeks. We plan to release more funds once the proposal is finalized. Contributors who don’t need to be paid via this airdrop are invited to not opt in via the bot at this time. This will free up funds to go to other contributors in need.
The airdrop would occur on January 31st, 2022 and would distribute $20k of the $200k of bridge funding from PL. This airdrop would not initially be accounted for on the SourceCred instance ledger, but likely will be added retroactively later.
Thena used a handy-dandy simulator to calculate amounts for the Winter Break Airdrop, but because I don’t yet know who will or won’t opt in (and because I am not a coder), I made this slightly hilarious spreadsheet (which assumes opt-ins) instead. The spreadsheet uses everyone’s % share of cred as calculated by the aforementioned simulator. I want to take another, more accurate snapshot of everyone’s cred on Sunday, January 31th at 7PM PST.
I used the simulator for the winter break airdrop to calculate everyone’s % share of Cred using Cred scores on 01/27/2022 at 5 PM, with amountOfUsdcToDistribute = 100, ignoreAccountsBelow = 0.01, and with the IMMEDIATE policy:
policyType: "IMMEDIATE",
budget: G.fromInteger(amountOfUsdcToDistribute),
numIntervalsLookback: 8
UPDATED 01/30/22: Airdrop Amounts
As promised, I took the snapshot at 7PM PST this evening! The new numbers are in my comment/reply below this post. The numbers immediately below are from Friday, January 28th and are no longer up-to-date.
Exact amounts that people receive from this airdrop are currently being calculated. In order to calculate how much money each person will receive, I need two things:
To take a snapshot of the cred. This snapshot will be taken on Sunday, January 31th at 7PM PST. If you have did-a-things, props, or meeting-notes you haven’t posted or responded to, now is the time.This is finished! Check out the new numbers in my comment/reply to this post below! -
To figure out who is opting in to this airdrop. Until we have that information, I won’t be able to calculate exact amounts. The bot will close on Monday, January 31st at 9AM. See below for instructions.The bot is closed!
The amounts estimated by my buck-wild spreadsheet, assuming opt-ins and opt-outs, are as follows. Some identities are not yet merged; we expect to have that finished by the end of day Friday. If you are having trouble, reach out to me, Ezra, on Discord.
If this proposal is ratified, final amounts will be calculated and posted on January 31st, 2022.
User | USDC Payout (unrounded) |
AL0YSI0US | 3352.035678 |
saintmedusa | 2626.96015 |
Thena | 2391.022874 |
s-ben | 2238.526831 |
topocount | 1401.237232 |
Ryeder | 1228.600201 |
benoxmo | 1222.845634 |
zevi | 940.871817 |
zadok7-eth | 926.4853978 |
Magey | 765.3575025 |
HartVyne | 641.6342972 |
Bubbles | 359.6604805 |
zcstarr | 296.3602359 |
durgadas | 296.3602359 |
dentropy | 256.0782621 |
rachelll | 238.8145591 |
amrro | 221.550856 |
Nav89 | 169.7597468 |
Willow | 97.8276507 |
merrick | 69.05481226 |
Randall | 60.42296073 |
Katy | 54.66839304 |
zevi-discourse | 51.79110919 |
Instructions for opting in to this airdrop
The bot will be ready for opt-ins on Friday, January 28th after Thena says it’s ready. Don’t opt in until AFTER Thena or I announce it is ready in #announcements.
The bot is now accepting opt ins!
If this proposal is ratified, the bot will close on Monday, January 31st at 9AM.
To opt in:
- Go to the #
bot-commands channel in our Discord
- Type “/setpayoutaddress” followed by the USDC-compatible address that you want the USDC to be distributed to. An example usage with an address would look like this:
/setpayoutaddress 0xf6Ce0526E8ee666441B7F5F0eBB78704f4C09746
You should see a confirmation afterwards that looks like:
New payout address: 0xf6Ce0526E8ee666441B7F5F0eBB78704f4C09746
Account: Thena
Chain Id: 1
Token Address: 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
Final Note
This is not a ratified proposal. It’s a little slapdash, and until/unless it is ratified, it is open to change via feedback. Other proposals are also possible. If you aren’t in favor of this, please propose changes or an alternate proposal.