SourceCred Voice

A lot of good comments and ideas thrown around in this thread. Again I’ll be coming in with the perspective I’ve taken from writing for Shenanigan.

I agree that having a committee of maintainers for docs is probably the best structure to obtain a voice for SourceCred. To help get it right the first time, however, one thing I believe is using character traits. At Shenanigan we have a goddess character we call SHE. SHE watches over our community ensuring fairness and correctness. We write as if SHE is watching and listening. It’s not a real technology, but it creates an idea to build off. I’m not suggesting SourceCred needs a humanoid character (in fact I think that’d be a bad idea) , but it needs some character traits. Currently, SourceCred technology feels meaty and alive, however, its also feels empty and devoid of a good hero arc. SourceCred has the Graph. Its in the logo. Maybe there is a story there. From what I read so far, the SourceCred Voice sounds a bit like an old teacher of mine that used to go snowboarding with me every other week. Informative and collected, but also just plain awesome. The Graph could be a Jarvis, meets snowboard instructor, meets Elon Musk type of entity.

I’m just spitballing here, I’m probably not the one to come up with the specific concept. But having a character or some sort of entity that people can latch onto makes a world of difference. I’m interested to what a graph would sound like if it could talk.