Visualizing the SourceCred graph

Potentially related work:

The “SourceCred Explorer” (currently out of order)

From A Gentle Introduction to Cred

If we expand a single node, we can see how that node received its cred via its connections to other nodes. At the top level, it aggregates groups of connections based on the type of edge, and the type of node the edge connects to. The percentages show what fraction of the node’s cred came from that connection, and the numbers show how much total cred came from that connection.

Then, diving down within a particular group of connections, we can see all of the individual edges along with how much cred they contributed.

If we want to learn more about a particular edge, we can expand it to see the node that edge connects to. This gives us the ability to dive into the graph from a fresh starting point. As you go “deeper” in your exploration of the graph, the color becomes deeper as well.