Community Introductions Thread

Hello everyone,

I go by Eth_Man here and on reddit, MakerMan on Maker. I am a long time researcher (privately) on decentralized organizations. My experience and knowledge span far too many disciplines to list. I discovered sourceCRED through Maker forums and came here from work done by Ben regarding a reddit sub I frequent /r/ethtrader DONUTS: a case study in tokenized incentives

My interests for a long time have been related to solving the social aspects of business, flattening compensation for work from top to bottom and the societal/legal issues of organizational decentralization. I also have a high interest in using the models discovered above in government as well as business. Goal has been to transform current centralized everything into more decentralized models paying attention to fairness, equitable reward distributions, system efficiency and robustness against unexpected events, response accuracy and latency, cost, and once a model is identified the pragmatic path of transformation from model A to model B, etc.

FYI: I think a link to this introduction page in the discourse FAQ would be nice. :slight_smile: If it is there I missed it. Once we come up with a ELI5 Introduction to SourceCRED might be nice to link such a beast as well.