As a part of Thena’s exit plan, the time has come to make an ask of the community to support a period of hardy heads-down product development. The core unit of this development will be Thena and Amr, and this proposal targets their needs. Additional asks might be made in the future if additional support is brought in for this heads-down squad.
Development goals
Docs: Comprehensive instance set up and maintenance guide
Docs: Consolidated Dev Env Setup
Docs: How to build a plugin (CredEquate)
Docs: API documentation
Feature: Comprehensive Configuration UI, with GitHub write support (no clone experience)
Feature: Implement CredEquate Github plugin
Feature: Productionized click-to-deploy Discord Bot with all the bells and whistles
Feature: 3rd-party Plugins support
Feature: External Scores Plugin (CredEquate)
Feature: Smart discord loading, time scoped and 403-proactive
$2000 per 2 weeks for Amr and $4000 per 2 weeks for Thena, for 8 weeks (or $24,000 total). If we discontinue our development efforts before 8 weeks is up, the remaining budget will be ceded back to the community.
The dollar amounts solely reflect Thena’s and Amr’s stated need.
Two week disbursements were chosen as a balance of manageable treasury overhead and flexibility to discontinue early. Eight week maximum was chosen based on Thena’s exit plan, as well as the community’s usable budget.
Thanks so much Thena for this clear proposal. I am generally in agreement and have a few questions:
To what extent/if any does this budget cover supporting community to launch (and troubleshoot) a new instance using CredEquate to pay ourselves?
To what extent/if any does this cover mounting a new prod instance using CredRank (in order to pay devs for code/designs merged in github and tech support in discord) or other immediate solutions to pay devs/designers if community is using credEquate w/ only discord interactions at first?)
Do you have willingness to prioritize the CredEquate Github plugin, and the idea of a hybrid capability where we could run discourse as credrank and discord as credequate within the same instance, again in order to support us to pay dev/designers for tech support and non-squad activities?
To what extent dos budget cover office hours for community to get your thoughts/support on things not in this proposal?
are you willing to support community to create budget for minimum viable staff for tech support and other non-squad labor as we proceed to new instance set-up/budgeting allocation proposals?
I will keep some limited space to help with all that, no additional budget required. I plan to put a 2-hour weekly office hours on the calendar soon. I will prioritize a hybrid experience and then the CredEquate GitHub plugin.
cred2 is already set up as a functional community instance, and dev-cred is already set up as a functional dev instance. So most of that work is already done; only minor tweaks will be needed at this point.