Taking time off until mid-September

Hi everyone, a little announcement:

I’m taking some time off until about mid September. Yesterday I was approached to create a 4-day boot camp to train some people on product management and UX; it’s a great opportunity at a perfect moment in time, so I’m going heads down into hustle mode on it. It’s also a paid project, which means that for this period of time away I can have zero dependency on SourceCred income, making more funds available for those who need it more. Given today’s updates and passed proposals during the Emergency Core meeting, this looks to be a great way for me to support the community even in absence.

I know the project is experiencing a difficult transformation, but I’ve seen how the community is handling this transition to something new, and I’m sure that, given everyone’s desire to see SourceCred succeed, it will land on its feet.

Additionally, my voting in Core on proposals so far this month has been in alignment with the (super) majority, so I don’t anticipate I would’ve been a tie-breaker on any upcoming proposals—especially given the focus on shifting to a more crypto-native approach, where my expertise is comparatively limited to those leading that change and I gladly defer to them.

I will still be available for 1:1 conversations should any of the team members wish to discuss the questions I raised earlier this week.

After this boot camp (mid august), my partner and I are going to visit my family in The Netherlands, whom I haven’t seen in 2.5 years and I’m super stoked for that! :partying_face: Then when we get back there’s a festival I’m attending, after which I will resurface and see how things are going. I’m sure the turmoil of the present will have abated and things are looking better by then.

As for the Grain on-chain and token shift, I want to document here in writing that I want to transfer my remaining Grain balance as of next Monday (ie after this Sunday’s issuance) onto the chain, to demonstrate my investment and belief in SourceCred and to make sure more funds are available in the treasury for those more in need.

See you in September!