Cred-Weighted Roadmap Prioritization

In the coming weeks, I’m planning to write a roadmap for SourceCred, which basically documents all of the initiatives currently in flight, and lays out the different priorities we can focus on. For example, here are some of the priorities we could focus on:

  • Documenting SourceCred
  • Improving SourceCred instance management (make it easy for anyone to run SourceCred)
  • Improving cred transparency and UI (make it easier to tell why someone has cred, or see cred for a specific week, etc)
  • Build the next steps of the CredSperiment (e.g. mana, boosting and curating)
  • Adding SourceCred heuristics

I’d like to experiment with using cred-weighted voting to set these priorities. A simple approach would basically be:

  • Everyone gets to vote for as many priorities as they want
  • Each vote has a “cred power” of (user’s cred / number of votes the user cast)
  • The initiatives which receive the most cred power are “prioritized”
  • Every contribution towards a “prioritized” initiative gets a cred multiplier applied (e.g. earns 2x more cred by default).

The first step will be coming up with the roadmap and list of priorities; I’ll take first stab at drafting this, but will welcome anyone else to add initiatives. Then we could do the voting process together.

What do y’all think of this idea?