I’m Eric, visual design lead at @protocol. Hi! We’re throwing a design workshop, and we need your brain.
SourceCred Design Jam
An open workshop to distill themes, brainstorm metaphors, and discuss SourceCred design with the community. Insights and ideas from the session will inform ongoing SourceCred branding and logo development.
We’ll use Mural to collaborate, and meet in this
Zoom room at
3pm UTC on 20 May.
Add to your calendar
Spoiler Alert! Some Prompts We’ll Use
Please think about these in advance, in order to make our time more productive. Thanks
Words that say "SourceCred"
- What is SC like? Adjectives
- What feelings does it stir up in users? Emotions
- What does SC stand for? Values
Analogies: In addition to the following, what “real world” services and situations might be interesting analogues to SourceCred?
- Amazon collects user reviews and ratings
- A home inspector examines a house and issues a report
- Someone cleans the dishes, and another notices and appreciates them
Metaphors: Similarly, what objects and actions seem to fit SourceCred? E.g. …
- Tape measure
- Dr. taking a patient’s vitals
- Magnifying glass
Hope to see you there, thanks!
A big thanks to those who were able to join! Our next step will be to assemble two or three mood-board collages for discussion, each representing a different general graphic direction. We’ll meet to select one, and then advance to logo sketches. Watch this space
Watch the video of today’s workshop
Join the conversation by adding to the Mural board
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SourceCred design jam notes
Researchers, filmmakers, artistic communities, academics (citation networks), archives such as Dublin Core, deep-thinking people, those with an analytical mindset, who are altruistic to some extent
Maintainers — Primary group
Open-source maintainers, community managers, “altruist anarchists,” crypto project maintainers, DAO sensory organs, people who think open source should get paid, and humans not machines!
Contributors — Second most important
Under-appreciated non-technical contributors, those who’ve read Sacred Economies, crypto anarchists
Researchers, DAO sensory organs, potential beneficiaries of open-source projects
Algorithmic / Human: Spread out. False dichotomy? Maybe the solution weds these extremes (and the two below)
Organic / Engineered: Toward organic, but spread out. False dichotomy?
Mass appeal / Exclusive: Toward mass
Exciting / Banal: Toward exciting
Active / Passive: Toward active
Nuanced / Binary: Toward nuanced, but spread out
Friendly / Authoritative: Friendly with one Authoritative outlier
- Conventional / Hip: Even
- Serious / Fun: Even
- Loud / Understated: Even
Graphical direction (group’s initial thoughts, to gauge predispositions)
Abstract / Representational: Toward abstract
Familiar / Revolutionary: Toward familiar
Nuanced / Obvious: Toward nuanced
Illustrative / Typographic: Toward illustrative, with one typographic outlier
- Gridded / Fluid: Slightly toward fluid
- Flat / Dimensional: Slightly toward flat
- Intricate / Austere: Very slight intricate bias
- Chunky / Fine lined: Even (slight spread)
- Vivid / Muted: Even
Write-in candidate for a logo with an animatable design element, showing state / personal involvement
Real-world Analogues
- Amazon collects product user reviews and star ratings
- Home inspector examines a house and issues a report
- Someone cleans the dishes, and another notices and appreciates them
- Get paid to browse with Brave Browser (something you do anyway that brings you benefit)
#didathing (add a hashtag when you post to report a contribution you made)
- Earning a medal
- “Employee of the Month”
- Volunteer awards or recognition
- 360 reviews
- Jira reports → Management bonus decisions
- Computer Games Scores Assignment
- Minority Report heads up display
- Small town, everyone knows everyone
- Word of mouth (when you’re looking for a service)
China’s social credit system (dark authoritarian pattern)
Ethical OS (beware of “ForceCred”)
- Mozilla badges (old pg)
- Movie credits
- Research citations
- humans.txt
- Read the glossary of a history book to find how many times and in which places (pages) a specific person was named.
From shared links
SourceCred and the Quest to Outcompete Capitalism
Our rewards system is off kilter: amazing teachers are paid far less than mediocre investment bankers, eg
Capitalism is the worst system, except for all the others
It’s good at
- Creating incentives
- Feedback
- Investing in what gets results
- Everything is transactional
- Which skews perceived values
- Public good is under valued
- Tries to wedge non-transactional domains into transactional forms
- With bad consequences
An improved system might
- Recognize the value in non-transactional things (People)
- Retain accountability
- Be difficult to game
Flow cred rather than a value exchange
Open-source products are better when more people are involved
Hypothetical example
- Math teacher gets cred based on the work her students subsequently do
Maintainers User Stories Discussion
- Key need: balancing/coordinating Maintainers & Contributors