Lunch & learn

Also here to say I really like this idea. I could see it being formal and having presentations, but I could also see it being super informal with a spontaneous “popcorn-style” sharing vibe.

I think that there’s pretty good community feedback and support here. The next step would be for someone to decide they want to own this initiative, then create the plan, and facilitate the experience. Whether the champion wants to do it all themselves or loop in a small team to take on the different responsibilities is up to them.

I’d say you’d probably need:

  • Vision - someone to set the expectations; of the intention overall, for presenters/teachers, and for the audience. Someone to write up, champion, and hold the intention of the initiative.
  • Logistics - someone to choose a good schedule, get the word out to the community etc.
  • Wrangling - someone who gets “teachers” interested/committed and supports them if they get confused.
  • Facilitation - one or more people who run the event while it’s happening and keeps things running smoothly on the call.
  • Teaching - people who are interested in sharing and understand whatever expectations are set for doing so.
  • Audience - people who want to come and listen/consume/ask questions.

If you go real low-key with it then the teachers and the audience might be the same group of people.

If you wanted to start taking action on this, I’d say write up a proposal. Lay out exactly what it is you want to do, why you want to do it, how you’re going to do it, and what impact you want it to have.

There’s a long mega-post I wrote some time ago called How to Start a New Project in SourceCred [Proto-doc] that you can read for help thinking through your idea and turning it into a concrete plan for the community to give feedback on. You don’t need to answer every single question in the guide, just use it to help you think through your idea and communicate it in a way the community can understand easily.