Podcast #1 - Q&A

Thanks for the podcast, it was very interesting.

Considering the challenges that crypto ecosystems have, how do you think SourceCred could help Bitcoin or Ethereum to evolve? i.e. faster? more efficiently? with more contributors involved?

Considering the conversations we’ve read on the SourceCred forum, do you think that it’d be easier for a project to use SourceCred to reward its contributors if the project is new than old (i.e. a few years old & 50+ contributors) ?

Within the tech space we can find quite a lot of different channels to support ecosystem contributions. That includes Bounties, Patrons (OpenCollective), Hackathon prizes, DAOs, Grants, Ecosystem Funds, and more. Considering the potential to use SourceCred to allocate rewards based on contributions, do you have a vision where you see SourceCred fitting with these existing funding mechanisms?

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