Logo Coloring Game
Initiative Description:
A lot of thought went into SourceCred’s logo design. However, the colors in the design were picked pretty hastily. I think with some thought and experiment, we might find colors we like better.
I propose that we use this as an opportunity to launch a lighthearted game using cred. First, we’ll make an observable notebook that makes it super easy to change the colors in the logo (using this notebook as a starting point). Then, we’ll launch a SourceCred game where people propose color pallettes by screenshotting color settings they came up with and posting into a Discourse thread. Finally, we can use cred-weighted-voting to choose the final logo.
- Get a really awesome set of color choices for the logo (and other future branding)
- Engage the community in a fun way
- Emphasize that cred is more than just code
- Dogfood cred weighted voting
Implementation plan:
- Make a notebook with a good UI for changing the colors
- Set up the thread for people to post color choices
- Promote the game and invite participation
- Run cred weighted voting and finalize winning colors
Estimated Work (hours):