Dark Star SourceCred Art

Made this piece based on the logo and one of my other color choices from the color picker @decentralion made.

Inspirations include Dark Star, and Eclipse.


Cool! Thank you so much for creating this :slight_smile:


Love this! When publishing the podcast, I was actually thinking that the two images I used were great, but that I didn’t want to reuse them and there weren’t any other images that worked…This image could work in a lot of places. Kind of has a dark, edgy feel to it…Reminded me of that movie Event Horizon.

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This is super cool! tweeted the image out from my account.

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Theme song for the SourceCred Dark Star logo.

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We now have a dark star emoji! :darkstar:

Just type :darkstar: in any Discourse comment :slight_smile:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Thats cool!

Maybe we could change the emoji to make it circular, i.e. slice away everything outside of the light halo surrounding the graph? Given how small :darkstar: is, I think cutting away the edges and making it a clean circle will make it more legible.

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Yeah that would be awesome. The emoji creator just takes in an image and correlates that with text so a new emoji would require a new picture. If @LB wants to create one that’s a circle with a transparent background then we can update the :darkstar: emoji.

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I can make that happen with very little effort. I’ll put it on my list. :slight_smile:

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Just wanted to give a shout out to this image as it’s a way cooler background image than the regular logo. Also, fun fact, the image uploaded to Discourse is high res. Yay :slight_smile:


where can i find this podcast ?

Here ya go! The first interview with @decentralion is a good intro. #2 with @mzargham gives a good perspectives on the algorithm, social science. #3 with @wchargin is a good deep dive into the evolution from the engineering perspective.

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