Weekly Community Call (2/4/2020)

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Join us for the weekly SourceCred community call! Community calls typically occur every Tues at 11am (PST).

Meeting Info

2/4/2020, 11 am (PST)

Google calendar event (has link to call)

If you’d like a direct email invitation to the event, please send @s_ben a private message with your email.


Group updates

  • Everyone on call gives a quick update on what they’ve worked on in the last couple weeks.

CredSperiment update

  • Update from @decentralion about progress, feedback from participants.

Open community Q&A

  • Anyone is invited to ask questions.


This week many contributors joked they were “slammed by life”, as @LB later illustrated:

Discussion topics included @anon60584824’s new “contributor playground” (see this GitHub Issue for more info) and gamification in general, CredCon logistics, how SourceCred can help kill homoeconomicus, ideas for analyzing MakerDAO, and the mechanics of Grain.


CredCon is upon us! If you haven’t seen it, check out the CredCon - Everything You Need to Know doc. If you have an unconference idea (skill you want to share), see the CredCon schedule for open time slots.

The CredSperiment is moving to v2, where we focus more on which contributions earned cred, not just the people earning cred. Payment infrastructure is still in the works, but distributions are still going out manually.

Individual updates

@Beanow is working on load refactoring (almost there!). When completed, this will be a major step towards unblocking reference detection and the Initiatives plugin.

@brianlitwin has been coding and is interested in writing a Discord plugin.

@decentralion continues their refactor of the core algorithm to make it cleaner and better documented. Switched grain distribution to opt-in to address concerns some have expressed about risks associated with receiving Grain. Give update on ideas around tokenizing grain.

@anon60584824 has been working on the SourceCred glossary, SourceCred python implementation (mainly just keeping up with changes to main codebase now), and exploring creating a GitHub “playground” for new contributors to learn in.

@LB is doing lots of organizing as CredCon approaches. Schedule is finished, figuring out day-to-day logistics.

@s_ben has been participating on Discourse, reviewing docs. Sat in on Maker community call, found interesting project that uses bonding curves and prediction markets, similar to ideas SourceCred is exploring.

@themathematicianisin listening in.

@amico wrote up some thoughts around their motivation to join the SourceCred community and become and investor (worth a read!). @amico is also open to guying Grain from contributors and i slooking forward to boosting.


Below is a recording of the call.








