As proposed in logo coloring game, this thread is for experimenting with SourceCred logo colors! In the logo coloring game, I assumed we’d be trying to choose the “true canonical” colors for SourceCred. During an in person conversation with @ericronne and @jessicaschilling, we realized the logo is distinct enough that we could actually have a whole plethora of colors we use. For printing stickers and such, it would be super cool if there are many different color palettes to choose from!
I build this observable notebook to make it super easy to experiment with and share new logo colors. The system is simple. First, click on the color swatches to pull up a color picker:
Once you change the color, it will live update on the SourceCred logo below:
Then, you can just post a screenshot of the resultant image as your logo color proposal! The swatch deliberately puts the logo on a white and a black background, and at a few different scales, so we can get a good sense of how it will look in a variety of contexts.
(Minor request for Observable notebook help: would appreciate if anyone can fork the notebook and get the color swatches to be aligned horizontally rather than vertically, it will reduce the wasted space in the UI.)
Happy color picking, my fellow creative credizens! Here’s the link again!